Toxins, Foods and Where Things Went Wrong
We’re becoming more aware that chemicals in our environment are impacting our health. When possible we buy organic food, and shop at our local farmer’s markets….
Do you want lightness, energy, clarity, vibrancy, radiance? It’s all within your reach.
Hi, I am Dr Erica LePore and I am thrilled to help you detoxify and feel the best you can. My 21 Day Detox Plan combines a science based nutritional program with all natural and effective supplements.
This page will provide links to all the information you need to get started on the 21 Day Detox Plan and have great results. If you are new to the idea of detoxification and liver cleansing, I strongly recommend you read the articles at the bottom of this page. This will fully explain why everyone can benefit from detoxification, and how I came up with my specific 21 Day Detox Plan.
All the supplements in my 21 Day Detox Plan are 100% natural and contain no synthetic ingredients. These are the supplements I have used with thousands of clients in my classes to achieve remarkable results.
There are no silver bullets or quick fixes when it comes to better health, but with the information and supplements I recommend, you can start feeling like a new person in just 21 days.Note, before starting this cleanse,
please click here to read the cautions and warnings with a liver cleanse.
We’re becoming more aware that chemicals in our environment are impacting our health. When possible we buy organic food, and shop at our local farmer’s markets….
Here’s the deal. We’re busy. We need to eat, and we need to eat often.
Many have to feed others in their household. The time and care spent on food shopping and preparation can seem massive and overwhelming…
Chemicals are everywhere that we are. With 85,000 new synthetic chemicals developed in the last 60 years, it’s hard to avoid them completely. They are not only in our food, but also in our water, body care products, packaging, air, oceans…
The majority of food additives in the foods we buy every day have no solid scientific studies to prove their safety. We’re told that we don’t have to worry because those additives are only in the foods…
The good news is that our bodies will excrete most of these toxic additives if given the opportunity. Since many of us don’t take a break from our regular diets for long enough to allow this to happen, it rarely does…
If you’re not eating, you’re not learning. If you’re not learning, you’re wasting your time. You’re not going to stay on a juice fast forever, right? In the end you’ll go back to your pre-juice fast way of eating…
Have you always wondered whether you are gluten sensitive? Lactose intolerant? Sugar addicted? Have you thought that your symptoms/health complaints may be related to an underlying food allergy?
Think of yourselves as soggy balls left out in the rain. Right now you are wet, logy, fatigued, puffy, and generally “under the weather”. The rain (i.e., food) is hitting you drop by drop and you don’t have any idea…
If you’re curious about cleansing and detoxification programs, this plan is for you. There’s lots of food to eat in whatever quantity you desire. The program is flexible and can be modified to suit your food preferences…
The 21 Day Detox is a restricted, yet nourishing diet that emphasizes many allowed foods that can be eaten in whatever quantity is desired. Common food allergens are eliminated to free the body’s healing energy and to improve gut health…